Sunday, December 7, 2014

Shall we catch up?

On Nov. 15th, 2014 I was lucky enough to marry my best friend.  

It. Was. Perfect.

Up next? Honeymoon in Big Sur.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Whadda mean, 4 months?

Ever wake up grinding your teeth?

I have been waking up with a clenched jaw these last few days.  That's not me desperately trying to win over some sympathy here, it's just the reality of where my life is.

Work is fun, but crazy.  It's wedding season, I work in the wedding world, I'm planning a wedding.  I'm a damn fool.

Remember when I was ahead in my plan?  Yeah - that's hilarious, neither do I!

Let's talk about the REALITY of planning a wedding.

The REALITY is there is always more to do.

The REALITY is you are always working against vendor schedules and prices.

The REALITY is life is going to try and kick your butt as much as possible, and rob as much time away from you as possible while you are planning.

The REALITY is...

... every step is pretty amazing.  And, you get to experience your family and your fiance's family in a new environment.  You get to hear stories about loved ones, and laugh and joke with a glass of wine as you talk decorations and planning.  You get to Pinterest with your mom because she is just as excited as you are.  You get to spend time with those who you know will be a fundamental and important part of your life as you merge your life with your fiance's.  You get to dress up and go take engagement pictures, and have keepsakes that you know your children will laugh at when they see them, ask you "what on earth are you wearing!", but secretly treasure each and every one.  And in the end, you know that regardless of anything... the day is going to be perfect... because you are promising to spend eternity with your best friend.

Okay, did you gag a little on the over sappyness of it?

Me too.

I think I'll go pour myself a big 'ol glass of wine and start addressing envelopes.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Caught Between Motivation and Sleep

Oh, to have the mixed blessing of the genius... to forgo sleep only to deeply immerse yourself into something you have an unwavering love for.  Give anything 10,000 hours and you'll be a master.

I haven't found what I want to spend my 10,000 hours on.  I honestly don't know if I ever will.  (Maybe I just really really really really like sleep.)

Want more?  Listen to THIS. I promise, it's pretty amazing.

It made me think of this quote...

... guess I should be a Pinterest Professional. ;)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Planning a Wedding

Step One:
Get very very very very excited the night of and day after the proposal.  Make your "hidden" Pinterest board un-private. (I'm talking to YOU ladies. Yes... each and every one of you. Don't lie. It's there).

Step Two:
Drink heavily when you realize how much weddings cost.

Step Three:
Ask people that you love to be in it.

Step Four:
Go Wedding Dress shopping the day you run a crazy obsticle race. Then have trouble trying on dresses because you're sore. Also, it's a total bonus if you mom goes all Xena: Warrior Princess on the laaaaaaame sales lady who forces a veil on your head.

Step Five:
Go to a "tasting" room with your fiance, get a little sloshed, and get excited about that fact that you might be able to afford this thing after-all.

Step Six:
Make a Blog.

Step Seven:
Uh oh..........